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Application of plasma equipment in photovoltaic new energy
Author:Original Click :4628 Date: 2021-03-17

1. Photovoltaic new energy The solar cell modules and energy harvesters installed in the solar energy system are continuously exposed to the external environment day and night. This means that the above-mentioned components must be protected from the environment—especially from humidity and temperature fluctuations. Especially in sunny areas on the earth, there is an extreme temperature difference between day and night. This requires protection of cables, modules and inverters to ensure long-term and safe sealing.

2. Examples of products

1. Solar cell

等離子設備在光伏新能源應用 等離子設備在光伏新能源應用 等離子設備在光伏新能源應用 等離子設備在光伏新能源應用

(1) Purpose: Plasma activation helps to manufacture weather-resistant solar panels, the bonding after treatment is more reliable, waterproof and stable for a long time. ①Improve the wettability of the panel; ②Clean the contact surface to make the bonding stronger; ③Waterproof and weatherproof bonding of junction box; ④ High-strength bonding to the bracket and frame.

Description: ① The photovoltaic system is composed of photovoltaic modules (solar modules), and the photovoltaic modules are composed of independent solar cells. Bayang The process of converting light into electric current occurs in these batteries. There are many different types of solar cells (monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline Silicon or thin-film solar cells). ②There are huge quality differences in the service life and efficiency of photovoltaic modules produced by different manufacturers. This is because the manufacturing workers The quality of art and raw materials varies greatly. ③Photovoltaic module Suffering from weathering erosion, this is a very common phenomenon; moisture penetration (water diffusion) will cause the solar cell Performance deteriorates quickly.
(2) Process flow Cleaning→plasma surface treatment (cleaning, activation and roughening)→coating or bonding

(3) Process value: ①High process reliability; ②The processing cycle is short; ③Fast processing speed and high efficiency.

2. Wind turbine blades


(1) Uses: bonding of fibers, laminated composites, semi-components, surface pretreatment of parts (apparent quality). Description: Special requirements for manufacturing wind turbine blades: ①Light structural materials; ②High-strength structure; ③Smooth surface without turbulence; ④High surface quality and stability.

The only way to meet the above requirements is to use GRP (Fiberglass Reinforce plastic) and CRP (Carbon fiber Reinforce plastic) materials.

(2) Process flow Cleaning→plasma surface treatment (cleaning, activation and roughening)→coating or bonding

(3) Process value ①High process reliability; ②The processing cycle is short; ③Fast processing speed and high efficiency.

Yangzhou Guoxing Technology Co., Ltd
Tel:+86 189 0525 0399
Add:No. 6 Factory Building, No. 63 Chenxiang Group, 309 County Road, Daqiao Town, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City (Yangzhou Factory)
No. 8-4, Pingxiang Road, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province (Kunshan Office)
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